Mark Zust

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We are all Wizards

 As the featured TEDx closing speaker, Mark reminds an audience of 1,500 that we can tap our “magical nature” any time with amazing results.

Tough to Bluff

Can you bluff Mark Zust, The Perceptionist, and win $100?
Five audience members try their luck with hilarious results!

A Mind Stronger than Steel

Mark Zust, The Perceptionist, harnesses the power of his audience and becomes a "super mentalist" able to bend steel spikes at will.

Sudoku on Steroids

Mark Zust, The Perceptionist, creates a unique Suduko solution in record time.

Mind Over Matter

Public Speaker Mark Zust, The Perceptionist, shows TV show host Traci McBride how a focused mind can overcome anything, even gravity! Keep your eye on the table...


Learn a Magic Trick

Now you can amaze your family, friends and co-workers.
Click here to download the free "magic die" artwork.